BTS Corrective Maintenance, BTS Preventive Maintenance, Site Clearance
Vital performs the following checks in corrective maintenance (CM) of BTS.
- AMF & ATS panel
- BTS alarm system
- Preventive maintenance of BTS
- An automatic transfer switch (ATS)
- Battery
- External alarm
- Site clearance
BTS Corrective Maintenance
- Fuses before Power meter
- SPD (Surge protective device) check, Main power wire connection of ATS
- Grounding & earth level, connection for PMT, Power meter box, ATS, ACDB
- All wire connections for input/output terminal blocks, Cutting, Finishing, Sealing, Jumper Routine, Connector plan, Input/output breakers, MCCB, GENSET MCB, Main MCB
- All Timers and relays, Manual bypass switches and AMF check, Proper settings on AMF panel
- Gen-set frequency, L-N voltages, Remote stop and start and automatic load shifting test, Manual bypass switches check
- All main on/off, phase fail, under-voltage and over-voltage test
- Tower Light controller and tower lights
- Tight all screws and every wire check on every visit
- Complete Battery Bank testing
- Rectifier and BBU, No joint in AC power cable for rectifier
- No lose connection on three-phase power, neutral and ground terminal block in rectifier cabinet, Clear all alarms on rectifier module and MC
- Check DC grounding, Check to discharge current /almost 52V (±2)
- Check that the battery voltages in every cell are equal during discharging.
- BBU module (CC, CH, FS, CVI, SA, SE, FA, PM) Modules LED normal status check
- RRU and FS card connected properly, CPRI optical interface self-test check
- Low fuel check, DG fail the check, DG on load check, DG high temp check
- Mains fail alarm check, Line fail alarm check, Fire alarms check, Door open alarm check, Humidity and flood check, Smoke alarm check

Site Clearance
- Water proofing for all connected jumpers & feeders, power cable
- Sealing the disconnected feeder, jumper connectors and proper fixes
- Proper routing of Fiber jumper’s power cable
- Cleaning the site and checking the complete labeling before leaving
- Wait for cross feeder, Sector / Partial Swapping and VSWR confirmation from OEM’s team room and confirmation from DT team.
- If the site has issues, the swap team do rectification immediately until all issues are solved.
- After the completion of the above work and receiving the leave approval from the war room can leave the site.
- Send message in Line to inform leaving the site, ATP preparation

Preventive Maintenance
We perform the following checks in preventive maintenance (PM) of BTS.
- Call quality testing, All BTS parts should be clean, VSWR measurement,
- Check the feeder cable for waterproofing and antenna, end jumper and grounding points
- To check and verify TX power, RX power, TX frequency, RX frequency, IDU capacity, RSL local, RSL Remote
- Note RSL value (of all MW) and Transmit Power value, Check the IF cable for weatherproofing at antenna end and grounding points
- MW antenna mount, sway arm and bracing are tight
- MW fixation, MW IDU labeling, MW Internal alarms, and RSL level for MW.
- Tighten the power terminations at WAPDA Meter, and AC DB
- Measure the Phase to Phase voltage of RYG, Measure the Phase to Neutral voltage of RYG
- Note input and output voltage of line conductor, Tighten the power terminations
- Check water protection (Broken/ rubber seal damaged), Clean the AC power distribution box using a blower, Tighten the power termination and rectifier, Check the alarm indication and display functions
- Check the grounding protection cable, Check the surge arrestor
- Rectifier test the neutral line current, Measure float volts
- Switch over test (Load to be transferred to batteries)
- Rectifier modules alarm check, Complete battery test, Check all connectors
- Main’s failure, AC Phase Lost, DG in Operation, SMR Failure, DC Low Voltage
- Tower Light, Water/Humidity, Smoke/ Fire, If AC Failure